"NCDL: A Framework for Deep Learning on non-Cartesian Lattices", NeurIPS 2023, New Orleans, 12/2023.
, "Portal: Design and Fabrication of Incidence-Driven Screens", SMI (Shape Modeling International) 2020 Fabrication and Sculpting Event (FASE), Online (original location: Strasbourg, France), International Society of Arts, Mathematics and Architecture (ISAMA), 06/2020.
, "Data-spatialized Pavilion: Introducing a Data-driven Design Method based on Principles of Catoptric Anamorphosis", SMI (Shape Modeling International) 2019 Fabrication and Sculpting Event (FASE), Vancouver, BC, International Society of Arts, Mathematics and Architecture (ISAMA), 06/2019.
, "Improved Volume Scattering", Computer Graphics International (CGI), vol. Advances in Computer Graphics. CGI 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11542, Calgary, AB, Springer, Cham., 06/2019.
, "3De Interactive Lenses for Visualization in Virtual Environments", IEEE SciVis Short Papers, Berlin, Germany, IEEE, 10/2018.
, "A closed PP form of box splines via Green’s function decomposition", Journal of Approximation Theory, vol. 233, pp. 37--57, 09/2018.
preprint (1.1 MB)
"Smashing Rays: Combining Realistic and Illustrative Visualization", IEEE SciVis (SciVis Contest poster), Berlin, Germany, 10/2018.
poster abstract (1.76 MB)
"Comparative Visualizations of Noisy and Filtered Blood Flow from 4D PC-MRI Cardiac Datasets", IEEE SciVis 2017 , Phoenix, AZ, pp. Posters, 10/2017.
poster absract (1.17 MB)
"Decal-maps: Real-time Layering of Decals on Surfaces for Multivariate Visualization", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE SciVis 2016), vol. 23, issue 1, pp. 821 -- 830, 01/2017.
preprint (35.16 MB)
slides (21.87 MB)

"Optically Illusive Architecture: Producing Depthless Objects Using Principles of Linear Perspective", ACADIA 2017: DISCIPLINES & DISRUPTION , vol. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), Cambridge, MA, Acadia Publishing Company, pp. 274--283, 11/2017.
preprint (7.11 MB)
"CINAPACT-Splines: A Family of Infinitely Smooth, Accurate and Compactly Supported Splines", International Symposium on Visual Computing 2015, Las Vegas, NV, Springer (Bebis G. et al. (eds), Advances in Visual Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9474), 2015.
preprint (3.26 MB)
"Multiresolution visualization of digital earth data via hexagonal box-spline wavelets", IEEE SciVis 2015 (poster), Chicago, IL, IEEE, 10/2015.